Friday, January 30, 2015

Big Dreams Blogfest

The Big Dreams Blogfest is hosted by myself and Misha Gericke, which makes it ridiculous for me to be posting this late in the day. So sorry guys! My dag job has been INSANE.
So my big goals are to write a million words and make a million dollars. But I've started breaking that down into chunks to make it easier to accomplish. My goal for January was to write a children's story. I'm only 1000 words in, butI'm hoping to get up early in the morning and knock out the rest of my short. I'll update this post with February's goal, once that happens.

What's your goal for this month? How close are you?


  1. Smaller chunks are always a good idea when going after huge goals. Best of luck with February!

  2. Hacking away one bit at a time does make it more manageable. Never give up!
