Monday, April 21, 2014

The Write Path

In late 09, I watched a silly little flick about a love sick vampire that I swore I would never. And that's the moment that changed my life. I loved it. I needed it more and I was going to find it. I devoured a series and tore through the YA section of B&N trying to recreate the experience. It didn't happen, because first love only happens once. I found the silly little vamp's creator equally silly. And she wrote a book. And made a million dollars. She wanted to go to law school, and I actually went to law school. If she could do it, I could too. I decided I would write myself out of a job I hated and make a million dollars. If I ever hit $10,000 from writing I think I'll squeeeee!!!!!! But I haven't given up. Though some days it feels like it. I made the decision to go for it January of 2010 and in the past four years I've learned so many things, there is no way I can keep it under 800 words. So I think it all comes down to this: Critique partners are gold, unless you have the wrong one. That's like being married to an abusive deadbeat alcoholic. Major setback. Follow your gut even when you're wrong. You'll learn from it and when you're right you're right. When a cp, an agent, or an editor starts to suck the fun out of writing it's time to change your route. Even if that means shelving a project. Don't burn bridges but if you can't make it something you're both going to be happy with, if it's not working--you're the creator. Your vision has to matter. Don't allow making money or having an agent or how others view your success to become more important than twisting meaning of chaos--creating something from nothing.

1 comment:

  1. "Don't allow making money or having an agent or how others view your success to become more important than twisting meaning of chaos--creating something from nothing." ~I love this line! We can't get caught up in making money or pressure from others to become the next big name. What we do is amazing. We create something from nothing, and that's incredible. :)
